Monday, June 12, 2006

Even More Information to Take In.

Here at PubCalls we have made it our job to provide you with a wealth of information. And we are at it again. In order to provide you with accurate information, we personally contacted all of the wonderful manufacturers to inquire about their endorsement policies. And we have since started to get emails back and are going to start listing them. As we receive new information regarding compensation we will create a new post as well as place it in a dropdown tool bar located on the sidepanel. We are still in the process of creating the dropdown tool bar, but will inform you when it is up. So if you are interested in getting compensated please make sure to follow the manufacturers instructions for getting paid. If you have specific questions regarding a manufacturers program please contact them directly. So let's get started:

Crossed Paths: Offers $25 for a full-page 12x12 layout with at least 50% Crossed Paths Products used when the layout is published in national magazines. The artist has to email us a jpg of the page in the publication to once published, and it is up to our discretion to determine if there is adequate CP product used to qualify for compensation award.

Around The Block: Offers $25 for each item published and the published item must mention that it is Around The Block Product.

Stamped In Ink: Stamped in Ink is offering a choice of free merchandise per project when published in a magazine or an idea book. To receive free merchandise Stamped in Ink must be given stamp credit in the supply list.
Please contact sue at with:
* Name of Magazine or Book
* Month of Publication
* Page or project appears on

All My Memories:
We would like to encourage you to send projects into magazines for publication. If you are published in the following magazines then you will need to e-mail a full size scan of the project as well as the Cover and page of the magazine that it appeared in.

Criteria: Project submitted for payment must have no less then 75% AMM products prominently displayed and the publication's material list must state in it's entirety All My Memories, Wholesale products used, with a recipe listing of all products.

$30.00 Idea Books (case by case)
$50.00 Creating Keepsakes
$50.00 Simple Scrapbooks
$50.00 Paper Crafts
$50.00 Scrapbooks Ect.
$35.00 Paper Works
$35.00 Card Maker
$35.00 Stamp It
$35.00 Memory Makers
$35.00 Paper Trends
$35.00 Card Trends
$35.00 Craft Trends
$35.00 Paper Creations
$35.00 Simple Sentiments
$35.00 Scrapbook Trends
$35.00 Scrapbook Answers

$75.00 Full page (100% real estate) article with photo

Endorsement compensation will be paid out monthly, you will receive a call or e-mail if we have any questions regarding your submissions. Please e-mail the required information to . If you are an established published designer and would like to work with our products please submit an e-mail and we will send you what you need.

Designs Originals: Effective January 1, 2005 Design Originals endorsement plan will pay the following:
1.If you design a scrapbook page that uses Design Originals paper/stickers on at least 75% or more of the page, and that item is published in a major magazine, DO will pay you an endorsement fee of $75 per project. DO products must be the focal point of the project and DO must be listed as the resource.
2.If you design a scrapbook page that uses a DO paper/stickers on only 50% of the page, and that item is published in a major magazine, DO will pay you an endorsement fee of $50 per project. DO products must be the focal point of the project and DO must be listed as the resource.
3.If you design a scrapbook page that uses a Design Originals paper/stickers on only 30% of the page, and that item is published in a major magazine, DO will pay you an endorsement fee of $30 per project. DO products must be the focal point of the project and DO must be listed as the resource.

1.If you design a card that uses a Design Originals paper/stickers on at least 75% or more, and that item is published in a major magazine, DO will pay you an endorsement fee of $50 per project. DO products must be the focal point of the project and DO must be listed as the resource.
2.If you design a card that used a Design Originals paper/stickers on at least 50% or more, and that item is published in a major magazine, DO will pay you an endorsement fee of $30 per project. DO products must be the focal point of the project and DO must be listed as the resource.

For payment please send tear sheets (photocopies accepted) from the magazine showing the issue, project, instructions and ordering information along with an invoice that includes your name, address and Social Security number** to Linda Rocamontes, Design Originals, 2425 Cullen Street, Fort Worth, TX 76107. For more information, call Linda at 1-800-877-7820 ext. 123 or email her at
We look forward to hearing from you and seeing the wonderful, creative things you have done with Design Originals’ new products!
**Needed to process payment.


Anonymous said...

DO you know if they welcome international scrappers? Because the content is very US-based...

Michelle W. said...


I love you PCP!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am exstaic that you are including this on your site. I thank you immensely for including this on your site.

Pub Calls said...

Well, unless there is a restriction saying that this endorsement is available to U.S. residents only, it should be open to anyone. I understand the expense of sending supplies internationally, but if it is actual payment...

I would suggest contacting the specific manufacturer directly with questions.